Monday, February 9, 2009

A City Girl Goes Country

With the peak everything knocking at our doors, I decided it would be prudent to become as self-reliant as possible. That means growing more of my own food, securing a reliable water supply, learning survival skills, and becoming self-sufficient when it comes to power. Not easy for a city girl, especially for one who lives on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico. This city girl is going to have to go country, and quick!

I am marking my trail with this blog – so that others may profit from my mistakes as well as my successes.


avalongaia said...

I like the way you are thinking. I too felt this way and now live the country life. I think you need to move for better soil to start with. It will take a lot of time and hard work to transform the sand to food sustainability. I am fortunate enough to live in a fertile country, but every step you take to help Gaia support you, will be worth it.

gaias daughter said...

avalongaia, you are right about working to improve the soil. Until I get more compost of my own going, I am digging in purchased composted cow manure, top soil, and organic amendments from the local nursery. I've also come across some new gardening techniques that I'll be sharing in future posts. Thanks for writing!